Black Rock '5' runners at the rock
2024 Race Date:
21st June 20:00
2024 Race Date:
21st June 20:00

1Jamie CroweCEN22:15
2Cameron MilneCEN22:47
3Aidan ThompsonCEN23:28
4Julian BarrableCAAC23:19
5James DonaldDHH23:46
The Harbour View Crexcell Traffic Management Scottish Athletics Briggs Marine Williams Bros Brewery Myrtle Coffee Services; Race Water Supplier Scotia Bathrooms, Fife
Williams Bros Brewery

Scotia Bathrooms, Fife

The Harbour View

Scottish Athletics

Entry Forms

Entries for the 2024 Black Rock'5' have now closed.  Any late applications received with entry fees will be held on a waiting list.   Fees will be returned if we are unable to allocate a place from a notified withdrawal from the race.

Entries for the 2024 Black Rock'5' have now closed.  Any late applications received with entry fees will be held on a waiting list.   Fees will be returned if we are unable to allocate a place from a notified withdrawal from the race.

This race is only open to pupils of Kinghorn Primary.  To compete, please contact the school.

This race is only open to pupils of Kinghorn Primary.  To compete, please contact the school.

Crexcell Trafic Management

Briggs Marine

Myrtle Coffee Services; Race Water Supplier