Black Rock '5' runners at the rock
2024 Race Date:
21st June 20:00
2024 Race Date:
21st June 20:00

1Jamie CroweCEN22:15
2Cameron MilneCEN22:47
3Aidan ThompsonCEN23:28
4Julian BarrableCAAC23:19
5James DonaldDHH23:46
The Harbour View Crexcell Traffic Management Scottish Athletics Briggs Marine Williams Bros Brewery Myrtle Coffee Services; Race Water Supplier Scotia Bathrooms, Fife
Welcome to the official website of the Kinghorn Black Rock '5' Race.  This site provides those interested or participating in the race, with information about the event, entry forms, past results, photos and the annual t-shirts.
Williams Bros Brewery

Scotia Bathrooms, Fife

The Harbour View

Scottish Athletics

2023 News

See how funds from the last year's Black Rock '5' race were used to support the local Kinghorn community here

See how funds from last year's Black Rock '5' race were used to support the local Kinghorn community here

It was a gun-to-tape victory performance for race winner Jamie Crowe (Central AC), who last won the event in 2019, and was already 20 metres clear of the field at the turn onto Pettycur Road in the first quarter mile.

His dominant performance was not only rewarded by winning the Bill Tulloch Award for first to the Rock, but he also broke the long-standing race record set in 1995, taking 12 seconds off the record to set a new mark of 21:51.

It was a gun-to-tape victory performance for race winner Jamie Crowe (Central AC), who last won the event in 2019, and was already 20 metres clear of the field at the turn onto Pettycur Road in the first quarter mile.

His dominant performance was not only rewarded by winning the Bill Tulloch Award for first to the Rock, but he also broke the long-standing race record set in 1995, taking 12 seconds off the record to set a new mark of 21:51.

A selection of 2023 photos are now available on this site.

A selection of 2023 photos are now available on this site.

The 2023 results are now updated on this site.   A selection of photos from race night will be uploaded to the site tomorrow.

The 2023 results are now updated on this site.   A selection of photos from race night will be uploaded to the site tomorrow.

Cask beers available at the Harbour View tomorrow evening will be
Joker IPA Joker IPA    Birds & Bees Golden Summer Ale Birds and Bees Golden Summer Ale    Talking Head American Pale Ale Talking Head American Pale Ale

Keg beers will be
Caesar Augustus Lager IPA Hybrid Caesar Augustus Lager IPA Hybrid    Chillax Gluten Free Cold IPA Chillax Gluten Free Cold IPA   

Please note The Harbour View are cash-only on race night. ATMs are available inside Co-Op and outside Post Office.

Cask beers available at the Harbour View tomorrow evening will be
Joker IPA Joker IPA    Birds & Bees Golden Summer Ale Birds and Bees Golden Summer Ale    Talking Head American Pale Ale Talking Head American Pale Ale

Keg beers will be
Caesar Augustus Lager IPA Hybrid Caesar Augustus Lager IPA Hybrid    Chillax Gluten Free Cold IPA Chillax Gluten Free Cold IPA   

Please note The Harbour View are cash-only on race night. ATMs are available inside Co-Op and outside Post Office.

Finishers' beers on race night will be
Caesar Augustus Hybrid Lager IPA Caesar Augustus Hybrid Lager IPA    Joker IPA Joker IPA

Finishers' beers on race night will be
Caesar Augustus Hybrid Lager IPA Caesar Augustus Hybrid Lager IPA    Joker IPA Joker IPA

The start line data is being sent to the timing company to process the posting out of the race numbers.   The data is now closed and no further swaps can be done.

The start line data is being sent to the timing company to process the posting out of the race numbers.   The data is now closed and no further swaps can be done.

All the postal entries have been allocated.  Any late applications received with entry fees will be held on a waiting list.   Fees will be returned if we are unable to allocate a place from a notified withdrawal from the race.

All the postal entries have been allocated.  Any late applications received with entry fees will be held on a waiting list.   Fees will be returned if we are unable to allocate a place from a notified withdrawal from the race.

Race will open for entries at 7pm on Friday 21st April on Entrycentral.   A small number of postal entries will also be available on first come first served basis using the form downloaded from the race website.

Race will open for entries at 7pm on Friday 21st April on Entrycentral.   A small number of postal entries will also be available on first come first served basis using the form downloaded from the race website.

We are pleased to say we have a provisional date for this year of Friday 2nd June.   Confirmation of race date and start time will follow shortly.

We are pleased to say we have a provisional date for this year of Friday 2nd June.   Confirmation of race date and start time will follow shortly.

Crexcell Trafic Management

Briggs Marine

Myrtle Coffee Services; Race Water Supplier